Plumbing Emergency 101

Plumbing emergencies are a huge added stress and are all too common. Luckily, we can lower the risk of damage with proper preparation. We’ll explain everything you need to know about plumbing emergencies in this blog piece, so you’re ready when one inevitably strikes.

What is Considered a Plumbing Emergency?

Not every plumbing problem is a plumbing emergency. A minor clog can be resolved whenever it is most convenient for you to schedule an appointment. Other issues require more immediate attention. Here are some examples to keep in mind.

Sewer System Backup

There are two main purposes for your plumbing system: to bring water in and take waste to the sewage system. You don’t want to be in a situation where these jobs are happening in the opposite direction. In this case, instead of sewage being taken away from your home, it travels up those pipes into your home.

This is commonly caused by some of the following:

  • Tree Roots damaging your pipes and causing serious clogs.

  • Severe damage to your sewer lines including their total collapse will cause a backup.

  • Simple clogs if left untreated can lead to a sewer backup.

If you face any of these problems, you want to fix them before a sewer backup occurs. If you’re unable to spot the problem before a sewer backup occurs, these need to be repaired as soon as possible because your plumbing is essentially not usable until repairs are done.

Gas Leaks

Plumbers like us at Anderson, don’t solely work with water pipes. We also specialize in gas lines. They function very similarly, but a gas leak presents its own challenges when compared to a water leak. Gas leaks can have serious health consequences and can be more difficult to spot.

Signs that You Have a Gas Leak

  • Physical Symptoms: Gas leaks can cause headaches, nausea, fatigue, and general breathing problems.

  • Signs Around the Home: Dying houseplants, browning grass, or the smell of sulfur are all signs that there may be a gas leak in your home.

Water Heater Leaks

The threat of a water leak depends largely on its location. A water heater leak is one of the leak locations that require immediate assistance. While you can shut off water to other leak locations and not impact your plumbing, doing so to your water heater means that you no longer have any hot water. Additionally, a neglected water heater leak can cause active damage to your unit and force you to replace the unit before you would otherwise need to.

You should inspect your water heater regularly to ensure it is properly functioning. If you see a puddle of water at the base of the unit, this is a clear sign that you may have a leak. If you can’t see a clear source of the leak, wipe up the puddle and return in a few hours. If a new puddle has formed, you can be sure that there is a leak.

What to Do in a Plumbing Emergency?

In a plumbing emergency, it’s vital that you respond quickly. If your plumbing faces a serious problem, the first step it to shut off the water coming to your home. Make sure you have an idea of the problem and understand if you have the area contained. From there, call your local plumbing professionals so they can assist you immediately.

Anderson Plumbing Heating and Electric can help you with any plumbing repair. Our plumbers have seen every kind of plumbing emergency over years of experience. Give us a call at (334) 231-6980 or fill out an online contact form when you need emergency assistance!
